The Publications Committee of the American Musicological Society makes available funds to help with expenses involved in the publication of works of musical scholarship, including books, essay collections, articles, chapters in essay collections, special issues of journals, and works in non-print media. Applications for any amount up to $2,500 will receive consideration.

Subventions are granted for any topics of musicological research. Additional publication endowments dedicated to specific topics of research have been established through gifts and bequests:

  • James R. Anthony Fund supporting publications in French Baroque music
  • Claire and Barry Brook Fund supporting research and publication of musical iconography
  • Margarita M. Hanson Fund supporting books on music before 1800
  • Iberian and Latin American Music Fund supporting publications on Iberian and Latin American music, including Southeast Asia
  • Kenneth Levy Fund supporting publications on Medieval music
  • Martin Picker Fund supporting publications in Renaissance music

Annual Deadlines

Application deadlines are mid-February and mid-August each year.

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