The Mariam K. Chamberlain Dissertation Award recognizes and supports a first generation doctoral student as they work on their dissertation related to ICRW’s mission to advance gender equity, social inclusion, and share prosperity. This award includes a prize of $10,000: $8,500 to a Ph.D. graduate student and $1,500 to the student’s dissertation advisor(s) to help fund ongoing research and associated education costs.

Eligible Research

The student’s dissertation must be related to ICRW’s mission to advance gender equity, social inclusion, and shared prosperity. Our main thematic focus areas include gender and climate change, economic empowerment and opportunity, health and reproductive rights, and equitable social and gender norms. 


  • Applicant is a first-generation doctoral student (defined as the first individual in their family to enroll in a doctoral program)
  • Eligible students are U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, or non-citizens. However, the student must be enrolled at an accredited institution based in the U.S. and pursuing a Ph.D.
  • Preference is to award a student who identifies as a woman
  • Student must have completed all coursework, have a dissertation advisor, and expect to have passed all preliminary examinations (i.e., ABD status) by the time the application is submitted.
  • Student’s Ph.D. will not be completed before May of the award period

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