The Title VIII Program, administered by the U.S. Department of State, provides funding for research and language training to American scholars and students for the study of Eastern Europe and Eurasia (Independent States of the Former Soviet Union). Title VIII maintains U.S. expertise in the regions and brings open-source, policy-relevant research to the service of the U.S. Government. Fellows are encouraged to pursue speaking engagements with INR’s Office of Analytic Outreach and seek employment with a U.S. government agency.

Title VIII fellowships cover full tuition at Central Eurasian Studies Summer Institute (CESSI) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. These fellowships also provide a stipend of $2,500 to cover living expenses for the summer.


Open to U.S. citizens who are graduate students (or will be beginning a graduate program in the fall), post-baccalaureate scholars, and working professionals.

Eligible Languages

  • Kazakh
  • Tajik
  • Uyghur
  • Uzbek

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