The purpose of the one year paid Bryant Williams Environmental Justice Fellowship is to provide the fellow with a holistic and grounded experience working with and learning from a frontline EJ organization on the south and/or west sides of Chicago. The Fellowship strives to support individuals at the beginning of their journey into the environmental justice field. The fellowship offers placement at a Chicago EJ organization, robust professional development support, the cultivation of a support network and the opportunity to participate in activities intended to foster the fellow’s long term social justice impact, personal well being, community relationships and professional success.

Fellowship Commitment

The Fellowship is a full time commitment. The fellow will work at the host organization 30 hours a week, and spend 5 hours each week engaged in professional development/skill development (hard and soft), mentoring, and networking. The fellow should expect to work in community organizations that are leading bold organizing campaigns and transformative visions for healthier communities. These campaigns are often rooted in histories of environmental racism and can be emotionally intense for staff and community members. The fellow should be comfortable practicing flexibility and patience, and be open to personal transformations while adapting to EJ community organizing culture.

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