The Johnson & Johnson Scholars of Oncology Diversity Engagement Program (SODEP) aims to build relationships with exceptional, ethnically diverse PhD or MD/PhD students, PharmD students, and post-doctoral researchers. We propose to contribute to shaping their career, and bring greater visibility to our job opportunities by providing industry exposure and mentorship from our senior R&D leaders at Janssen.


  • Self-identify as African-American/Black or Hispanic
  • Citizens or permanent residents of the United States
  • Full-time PhD or MD/PhD students in year 3+ of graduate program, PharmD students, or post-doctoral fellows
  • Engaged or interested in oncology, or other closely related disciplines such as molecular biology, biochemistry, pharmaceutical sciences, computational biology/data sciences,  clinical research, and pharmacology.

There are two steps of J&J SODEP: Exposure and Mentorship. The first step of this program (Exposure) is a virtual Oncology Day, which will take place each year in August/September.  At the Oncology Day, attendees will be exposed to the R&D process within industry and obtain an understanding of the critical skillsets fostering a successful industry career. Those who attend the Oncology Day will have the opportunity to apply to advance to the Mentoring step of SODEP, in which scholars will be paired with J&J leaders in an ongoing 1-year mentoring experience.


  • Receive 1:1 career coaching and guidance from an industry leader
  • Receive funds for conference travel, research supplies, training courses up to $10,000
  • Further insight into pharmaceutical industry careers
  • Gain knowledge about pharmaceutical industry culture and navigation strategies
  • Resume/CV review and feedback

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