The KF Scholarship for Graduate Studies (GS) is designed to provide scholarship support to graduate students majoring in a Korea-related field or focusing on a Korea- related research topic at a university located outside of Korea.


M.A. students or Ph.D. candidates in the humanities, social sciences, arts & cultural studies, or any other relevant field with a Korea-related research topic who fulfill the following criteria:

  • Have enrolled (or are about to enroll) as a full-time student at a university located outside of Korea. Please note that students who have enrolled (or are about to enroll) at graduate schools aimed at training professionals in specific fields, such as MBA schools, law schools, or interpretation and translation schools, are ineligible for this program.
  • Have not previously obtained a Ph.D. degree
  • Hold citizenship or permanent residency status in a country outside of Korea. Applicants who are Korean citizens must have already obtained permanent residency status in a country outside of Korea as of February 2024.

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