The scholarships of the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria for Undergraduates, Graduates und Postgraduates are intended for descendants of forced labourers under the NS regime and nationals of countries that suffered particularly from the NS (National Socialism) regime. Students and researchers can apply for a research period in Austria.

It is possible to apply for research scholarships

  • for bachelor’s theses
  • for traditional diploma degree theses and master’s theses
  • for dissertations

No scholarships are available for bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral/PhD studies in Austria or for summer courses, language courses, clinical traineeships or internships.

Target group: undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates

Countries of origin: all

Target country: Austria

Duration: 1 to 4 months

Closing date for applications: March 1st, September 1st

Funding organisation: OeAD-GmbH on behalf of and financed by the Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria

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