The Post-Master’s Fellowship at the Yale Child Study Center is a two-year training program providing advanced training for social workers aiming to provide excellent clinical interventions with children, youth, and families, and become leaders in the field of clinical social work. Grounded in the Yale Child Study Center’s commitment to work towards creating an anti-oppressive environment, we seek to foster the knowledge, awareness, and skills needed for SW Fellows to engage in social-justice oriented clinical practice. Social Work Fellows participate in both multidisciplinary and discipline-specific training, which includes didactics, intensive supervision, and direct practice, with engagement in an elective project and/or area of specialization in the second year of the training program. The second-year elective is chosen by each individual Social Work Fellow and tailored to their specific interests and career goals through options available at the Yale Child Study Center, through collaboration with the larger community (hospitals, schools, agencies, etc.), and/or created by themselves.

Program Dates

The Post-Master’s Fellowship runs from July 1st through June 30th of the respective years.

Stipend and Benefits

A stipend of $43,920 is provided in the first year and $45,240 the second year. Comprehensive health care through the Yale Health Plan is available for a nominal fee.


Eligible applicants must have satisfactorily completed accredited Master’s level training in Social Work, Master Level Social Worker licensing requirements for the state of Connecticut, and DMV and criminal background checks by the start of the training year (July 1st) for which applying. Preference is given to applicants with previous direct clinical experience.

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