The Religious Research Association announces its annual competition for the Constant H. Jacquet Research Award to support research in religion.
Research projects must use social scientific methods and perspectives to study aspects of religion, and all proposals must discuss how the research is applicable for religious organizations, leaders, and/or practitioners. We welcome applied, client-centered projects as well as social scientific research on any aspect of religion; preference will be given to applied projects. Proposals from students, especially Ph.D. candidates, and scholars who are in the early stages of their careers are particularly encouraged; we aim to fund at least one student project per year. Applicants are required to be members of the RRA. Full-time students may join the Association at the time of their application. All others must hold membership in the RRA for at least one full year prior to the application deadline.
Funding may be used for research expenses, but not for supplemental income or capital equipment. The Religious Research Association also does not pay indirect research expenses to universities or other sponsoring organizations. Grants in excess of $4,000 to a single recipient/agency are rare.
Fellowship Website: