Graduate Writing Consultant Appointments

To schedule a writing consultation, log into GRAD Gargoyle, click on “Advising Appointments” and search for availability for one of the WRITTEN COMMUNICATION appointment types.


At least 24 hours before your appointment time, please submit your document (up to ten pages, double-spaced) by emailing it to your writing consultant. We must cancel your appointment if you miss this deadline.  

The document you submit and the discussion we have in session must fall under GWC purviews. GWCs can work on academic documents such as:

  • Dissertation Chapters
  • Thesis Proposals
  • Conference Papers
  • Abstracts
  • Papers for Coursework
  • Journal Articles
  • MA Thesis/Qualifying Papers

LOCATION: All Graduate Writing Consultations will take place remotely via Zoom.

CANCELLATION POLICY: If you need to cancel or reschedule your session, please do so at least 48 hours before your appointment time. Again, please note that your appointment will be cancelled if you do not submit your document at least 24 hours in advance.