Hou Beiren Graduate Student Enhancement Fund
This travel and research grant is open to: University of Chicago graduate students in East Asian Art History with rolling applications throughout each academic year.
The grant provides modest support for students traveling outside the Chicago metropolitan area to attend conferences and conduct research at museums and other locations relating to East Asian art. The grant takes the form of reimbursement for up to $800 for domestic travel and $1000 of international travel expenses that would not otherwise be covered. To apply, send an email to Center Administrator <caea@uchicago.edu> with the following information:
- Name and date of the conference or exhibition, or communication with museum curator for viewing art objects, and a budget listing expenses.
- Endorsement from the applicant’s primary faculty adviser and the completed form “Student Certification for Business Related Reimbursement” should also be submitted. Students may apply for and receive this grant more than once in an academic year.
Robert Christy Research Fellowship Fund
This fund supports University of Chicago Humanities Division Ph.D. students conducting dissertation research-related travel or projects in the field of East Asian Art. Dr. Robert W. Christy (1922-2020) gifted this fund for the benefit of the Division of the Humanities to provide support for research projects and travel grants to graduate students studying East Asian Art. Students are not required to be ABD to receive the fellowship; however, it may be held only once during a student’s time at the University. Applications are due to the Division of the Humanities each spring.
Dissertation Research Travel Grant Parameters:
- Applicants will be awarded funds based on their specific travel and financial needs, the quality and feasibility of their projects, in addition to other academic qualifications.
- If a student’s research needs can be met in Regenstein Library, funding from these grants will not be possible.
- These grants are not intended for pre-dissertation survey trips (except for students who qualify for the Robert Christy Research Fellowship Fund).
- Students who have previously done research at the location for which they are applying must explain why a return trip is necessary to complete their research. They must ask their recommender to comment on their explanation.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Admission to candidacy before disbursement of the award (with the exception of those students who qualify for the Robert Christy Research Fellowship Fund);
- Begin research at the location no earlier than the start of the Summer Quarter
- Complete research at the location no later than the end of the Spring Quarter
Fellowship Website:
https://caea.uchicago.edu/opportunities/grants-and-awardsFellowship Contact: