The goal of the fellowship is to enable an outstanding doctoral student interested in the intersection of race/ethnicity and gender/sexuality to devote his or her full energies to the completion of the dissertation. Applicants must be willing to be “in residence” at CSGS or CSRPC for the main three academic quarters, defined as participating in lectures and workshops on a bi-weekly basis and utilizing the provided office space at the Center for a minimum of 2 days a week. Some travel for research for brief periods is allowed, but this must be discussed with the Faculty Directors in advance.

Award Benefits

This fellowship provides shared office space at one of the two centers.


Applicants must have matriculated after Autumn 2016. Applicants must have been admitted to candidacy by April 1st, 2024 and should be at an advanced stage of writing their dissertation. Any dissertation that has as its central focus issues related to race or racialized groups and gender or sexuality will be considered.


March 15, 2025

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