The Children’s Literature Association (ChLA) seeks to encourage high standards of criticism, scholarship, research, and teaching in children’s literature.
Beiter Grant
The Beiter Grants have a combined maximum fund of up to $5,000 per year, and individual awards may range from $500 to $1,500, based on the number and needs of the winning applicants. The grants are awarded for proposals of original scholarship with the expectation that the undertaking will lead to publication or a conference presentation and contribute to the field of children’s literature criticism. The award may be used to purchase supplies and materials (e.g., books, videos, equipment), as research support (photocopying, etc.), to underwrite travel to special collections or libraries, or for time release.
Diversity Research Grant
The Diversity Research Grant supports research related to children’s and young adult cultural artifacts (including media, culture, and texts) about populations that have been traditionally underrepresented or marginalized culturally and/or historically. Funds may be used for (but are not restricted to) research-related expenses such as travel to special collections, subvention funds, or purchasing materials and supplies.
Fellowship Website: