The Illinois State Academy of Science annually awards grants and makes presentation awards to our student members in support of developing science achievement, which include:

Student Research Grants

The Illinois State Academy of Science encourages Illinois high school, undergraduate, and graduate student research for student members of the Academy. You must have a current student membership to apply.

In support of this effort, we offer multiple competitive research grants with individual awards of up to $1,000.

  • Grant amounts are up to $200 for high school students, up to $500 for undergraduate students, and up to $1,000 for graduate students.
  • These grants are intended to support your research efforts and cannot include funds for salary, standard equipment, tuition, travel to meetings, manuscript preparation, publication costs, or payment of indirect costs such as facilities and administration.
  • If you are a previous award recipient you may apply for a second year of support, but not for a third year. However, each application is treated individually, so a previous award receipt does not guarantee continuing support.

Only online applications are accepted. Applications are generally due in November, with awards announced in December of that year.

Botanical Division Travel Grants

  • Proposals accepted February 1st through March 24th of each year with notification of recipients by April 1st.
  • Advisor support letter required.
  • College undergraduates and graduates compete for up to two $250 awards each year.

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