Laboratoire HiSoMA specializes in the study and edition of ancient sources, approached through the sciences of Antiquity such as archaeology, history, literature, linguistics, philology, patristics, epigraphy, numismatics, over a very long period, from the Old Pharaonic Empire to Late Antiquity or even, for certain programs, to the early Middle Ages. Its area of expertise extends over a geographical area which corresponds to the civilizations of the ancient Mediterranean, from Gaul to Egypt and the Levant, up to the Indian subcontinent.

The HiSoMA Fellowship is intended to finance a one‐month research stay in Lyon for the elected student. The stay is fixed in March of each year. The host institution will cover travel and accommodation expenses up to a maximum of 1200 Euros, as well as a lump sum of 600 € for meals.


The HiSoMA grant is open to international doctoral and post‐doctoral students (up to 5 years after PhD), who have never been attached to a French institution nor have any present affiliation or link to a French institution or university.

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