The NWO Talent Scheme offers individual grants to talented, creative researchers. While applications can be submitted by researchers of all nationalities, the research should be performed at a host institution in the Netherlands.

The Talent Scheme has three funding instruments tailored to various phases in researchers’ scientific careers.

  • Veni, for researchers who have recently graduated with their PhD
  • Vidi, for experienced researchers who have already conducted several years of research after gaining their PhD
  • Vici, for senior researchers who have already demonstrated the ability to develop their own line of research

Applications are reviewed by one of the five committees: Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH), NWO-Science domain (ENW), Applied and Engineering Sciences (TTW),  Health Research and Development (ZonMW) and the cross-domain committee.

The application consists of two stages. In the first stage, a narrative CV and short research proposal are submitted. In the second stage, the research proposal is elaborated upon. The deadlines are different for each level.

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