The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference), a nonprofit organization with offices in New York, Israel and Germany, secures material compensation for Holocaust survivors around the world. Founded in 1951 by representatives of 23 major international Jewish organizations, the Claims Conference negotiates for and disburses funds to individuals and organizations and seeks the return of Jewish property stolen during the Holocaust.

Eligible disciplines are those in which serious research will make the greatest contribution to future knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust, including but not limited to work in the fields of Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Jewish Studies, History, Political Science, Philosophy, Religion, Sociology, and Women’s Studies. Only candidates whose tuition costs are already covered are eligible to apply.

The Kagan Fellowship award amount is a maximum of $30,000 per year.


The Kagan Fellowship in Advanced Shoah Studies welcomes applications from PhD and Post-Doc candidates from around the world for academic year funding. To be eligible for the Saul Kagan Fellowship In Advanced Shoah Studies, PhD Students must:

  • To be enrolled and in good standing in a Ph.D. program that supports the study of the Holocaust.
  • To study (or have already studied) a language of Eastern Europe or the former Soviet Union necessary for the research of Holocaust-related documents, or if the field of study will be focused on a particular country or region, to study (or have already studied) the relevant languages of that region.
  • To commit to full-time employment primarily in Holocaust Studies on an academic level for a minimum of five years after receiving a Ph.D.

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