Data Science Journalism Fellows and faculty will work to support a data-driven investigative story proposed by a data journalist fellow during the summer of 2024. Data scientist fellows and faculty will meet regularly with the journalist fellow(s) over eight weeks, first with a kick-off session, followed by in-person or online meetings, typically each week. The data team will work with the data journalist fellow(s) to scope the project and provide data analytic and visualization support. By the end of the summer, data scientist fellows will complete the program having produced completed data analyses, visualizations, or other deliverables.

Our goal is to provide a quality data journalism piece that helps tell an important story that will engage a wide audience. To do this, the data team will need to meet and communicate regularly with each other and the journalist fellow(s). The program will run for eight weeks beginning June 10, 2024. We ask that you be available for 40-hours a week during this time on a hybrid basis, including an initial half-day kickoff meeting on June 10, and eight hours of additional meetings throughout the summer, or approximately one hour each week.


The program is intended for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students at the University of Chicago with a background in mathematics, computer science, and/or data science, as well as experience collaborating with and supporting peers, particularly those from groups underrepresented in STEM.

Candidates can have experience or interest in any of the following areas of research: Computer Systems and Architecture, Data Science and Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Hardware & Devices, High-Performance Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Natural Language Processing, Networking, Security and Privacy, Arts & Culture, Biology & Medicine, Communications & Internet, Economics and Business, Energy, Environmental Sciences, Food and Agriculture, Human Rights, Public Policy, Physics and Astronomy.

Candidates should also have experience with any of the following data science tools: Web (HTML/Javascript), Java, Python, C/C++, Data Analysis, Jupyter Notebooks, Linux, Machine learning, GitHub, or Databases/SQL.


January 3, 2024

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