The Herculaneum Society offers financial support to students working on topics related to Herculaneum (including its environs, literature, papyri, history and reception). An award of £1500 is offered to doctoral students in Roman archaeology. The topic of research can be either directly about Herculaneum, or on some aspect of Roman archaeology or culture which has clear implications for similar work at or about Herculaneum (which must be explained in the application). The award must be used in direct support of the research, e.g. for travel to sites or libraries, purchase of special materials (including books), imaging etc.

The deadline for applications is 1 December 2023. Applications should be sent to and will include a description (one side, approx. 500 words) of your research and the use to which the award would be put; your institutional affiliation (e.g. doctoral student in archaeology at the University of X); a brief (one side) CV; and the name, title and address of one referee. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of the Trustees of the Society. Successful applicants will be expected to give a talk to the Society on their work, and to write an account for our Newsletter. Please direct any inquiries to

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