The Hymen Milgrom Supporting Organization (HMSO) has a special interest in funding projects relating to coding and computer skills. Other proposal topics fostering the skills, dispositions, and experiences essential to prepare heterogeneous students for successful pathways into the modern labor market will also be welcomed. The HMSO is interested in projects focusing on the impact of the transitioning economy on youth from the southside of Chicago and on their evolving pathways to employment.


The HMSO offers support for doctoral students and postdocs at the University of Chicago for up to $10,000 per year for up to two years, for research-related expenses. Student Applications must be accompanied by a CV and a letter of recommendation from a faculty mentor. The HMSO is especially interested in projects that graduate students initiate that are not part of their mentors’ funded research: i.e., independent projects driven by students’ own interests and agendas.

The HMSO will consider applications for either one-year or two-year grants, for a grant period beginning in the summer of 2024. Maximum level of support is $10K per year, for up to two years. Two-year projects will be disbursed in two installments: a) initially; and b) after 12 months, conditional on review of a progress report due 9 months after the start of the study. Students should plan to complete not only the data collection, but also the analysis and “writing up” of their results within the time frame of their grant.

The HMSO expects students to have an academic article either published or submitted to a scholarly journal by the end of the grant period. The “time schedule” section should state clearly the plan for accomplishing this. All publications and presentations arising from this award need to be acknowledged. It is appreciated if copies of all products generated with funding from this award (current or in the future) be submitted to the board.


The 2024 deadline is July 15, 2024

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