Immigration and Ethnic History Society (IEHS) seeks to promote the study of the history of immigration to the United States and Canada from all parts of the world, including studies of the background of emigration in the countries of origin, as well as to to promote the study of ethnic groups in the United States, including regional groups, native Americans and forced immigrants. The IEHS wants to support projects and activities that explore how digital history can be a tool in researching, teaching, and making accessible migration history. To that end, it offers awards (up to $1,500 each) to support graduate students seeking to develop or engage with digital history work connected to migration history and related fields.


Applicants must be currently enrolled graduate students and IEHS members

Eligible Projects

These funds may be used to cover costs related to archive construction and digitization, professional development and training, conference attendance, the hosting of digital history talks and programs, the acquisition of software licenses, web hosting, data storage, and labor costs. Possible projects include:

  • Training, workshops, and conference attendance
  • Hosting mini-conferences and talks
  • Applying algorithmic and computational analysis to immigration data
  • Digital publications, exhibits, archives, or websites
  • Digital Mapping
  • Textual, network, audio, or visual analysis
  • 3D / VR technology
  • Longform, media-rich narrative/argument or “scrollership”
  • Digital history simulations and games

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