Humane Studies Grants and Fellowship offer grant support for graduate students looking to build their academic careers and who want to spend more time focusing on publishing. These awards provide access to other IHS opportunities including mentorship, job market support, in-person and online events, and more.

  • Expense Support: Typical awards range from $500 to $5,000. Higher funding awards will be considered for exceptional projects. (rolling)
  • Event Support: Graduate students and faculty can request funds for hosting in-person and online events. (rolling)
  • Conference Accelerator Grants are designed for master’s and PhD students who haven’t advanced to candidacy. These grants provide up to $2,000 to “accelerate” the work of developing a paper into an academic conference presentation by freeing time and supporting relevant expenses. (rolling)
  • Publication Accelerator Grants provide up to $5,000 to support students with an established publishing record (who commit to submitting an article to a leading publication outlet within six months of receiving the awarded funds). (rolling)
  • Graduate Sabbatical Grants provide up to $15,000 to PhD candidates (ABD) to buy out teaching or research assistance responsibilities for a semester so that they may develop dissertation chapters or other work into publishable paper drafts within six months. We suggest that sabbatical applications be submitted at least three months before the semester begins. (rolling)

IHS will concentrate its activities and investments from 2022 to 2026 across seven focus areas.

  • Liberalism, Pluralism, and Democracy
  • Free Speech and Open Inquiry
  • Equality and Prosperity
  • Race in America
  • Peace and International Cooperation
  • Immigration and Freedom
  • Business and the Good Society

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