The Guggenheim Fellowships are competitive three- to twelve-month in-residence fellowships for pre- or postdoctoral research in aviation and space history. Predoctoral applicants should have completed preliminary course work and examinations and be engaged in dissertation research. Postdoctoral applicants should have received their PhD within the past seven years. An annual stipend of $30,000 for predoctoral candidates and $45,000 for postdoctoral candidates will be awarded, with limited additional funds for travel and miscellaneous.

Predoctoral Applicants

Students who have completed preliminary course work and examinations and are engaged in dissertation research are eligible to apply for a Pre-doctoral Guggenheim Fellowship.

Postdoctoral Applicants

Applicants who have received a Ph.D. degree or equivalent within seven years of the beginning of the Fellowship period are eligible to apply for a Postdoctoral Guggenheim Fellowship. The limitation may be waived upon demonstration that a Fellowship appointment would further the applicant’s research training. Recipients must have completed that degree at the time the Fellowship commences.

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