The Data Science Institute’s AI+Science Research Initiative has launched several funding opportunities to support the research and academic goals of students, postdoctoral scholars, other academic appointees and faculty at the University of Chicago. These opportunities include funding to support research, workshops, visiting scholars, graduate and postdoctoral travel, reimbursement for publication fees, and support for graduate and undergraduate students. The opportunities and programs below are one-time funding sources targeted only at eligible students, postdoctoral scholars, or faculty who utilize AI or Machine Learning to advance their scientific research

2023-24 Deadlines

  • Fall 2023: December 4, 2023
  • Spring 2024: April 10, 2024

Project Support Funds

Grants of up to $5,000 to support the purchase of reagents, lab materials, experimental supplies, RA time on a project, and other research-related expenses, including support for high-end software development and project-level computing equipment such as GPU cards and other accelerators. The maximum requested funding should not exceed $5,000. This funding should be spent within one year of the start date.

Workshop Funds

An event-focused grant is available to current UChicago graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, other academic appointees and faculty who are interested in convening an interdisciplinary event focused on discussions that advance AI+Science research. Funds can be used to support travel for guest speakers or the event, space, food, and other costs. Events must occur within one year of receiving the grant. Attendees can be primarily local (max $4k award) or non-local (max $10k award).

Visiting Scholar Funds

Funding to support travel, lodging, and meals for visiting scholars to the UChicago campus. Visitors may be graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, other academic appointees, faculty, national laboratory or industry researchers. Visits should not extend beyond one month and do not include compensation for salary. Applicants may request funding for up to two visitors in 2024. The maximum requested funding amount should not exceed $8,000. The funding must be spent within one year of the start date.

Travel Scholarship Funds

Funding to support travel expenses for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars attending conferences or other events covering topics related to AI+Science with the goal to either present their work as speakers or poster presenters and/or learn new areas related to AI+Science. The maximum requested funding amount should not exceed $1,500 for domestic travel and $2,000 for international travel. Please note that if your application for funding is selected, you will be reimbursed for your travel costs after travel is completed. Maximum one award per student or postdoc per year.

Publication and Open Access Fees

Funding to reimburse publication and/or open access fees for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars whose publications are accepted by AI+Science-related publications. The maximum requested funding amount should not exceed $2000.

Invited Speaker Funds

Funding to support honoraria, travel, lodging, and meals for invited speakers to the UChicago campus and event costs. The maximum requested funding amount should not exceed $3,000. The speaker event will be sponsored by the applicant’s department and the Data Science Institute AI+Science Research Initiative and open to the AI+Science research community.


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