AISLS Language Instruction Grants support students and scholars who wish to acquire or improve language skills. These funds can be used to help to defray the costs of language instruction in Sinhala, Tamil, or Pali. The instruction must take place in Sri Lanka. The AISLS Colombo center will supply recipients with advice about language programs and tutors.


Applicants must fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Individual members of AISLS resident in the US who hold a PhD or equivalent qualification,
  2. Individual members of AISLS who are undertaking language instruction to support the needs of graduate study at a US university,
  3. Faculty members at AISLS member institutions,
  4. Graduate students at AISLS member institutions who are undertaking language instruction to support the needs of their program of study or
  5. Individual members of AISLS who are US citizens who are undertaking language instruction to support the needs of graduate study at a non-US university.

Note that the University of Chicago is a AISLS member institution.

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