The Journal of Women’s History annually offers the Jean Quataert Dissertation Travel Grant in transnational women’s and gender history. This grant will be used to support travel to archives and libraries for dissertation research. One grant will be awarded each year. Individual grants will not exceed $4000. Recipients are asked to acknowledge the JWG Board in their dissertation, and any resulting publications.
PhD Students in History or related fields, conducting research on a significant topic in transnational women’s and gender history.
Application Process
The application should include a cover sheet with the applicant’s contact information, title of the project, specific budget, previous and current grants, along with a CV (limit 5 pages), a research statement (1000 words) summarizing the project and specific uses for funds, and a bibliography (1 page) identifying the most recent and relevant secondary sources.
Applications must be in English.
Please include all components of the application in one PDF.
Applications should be submitted electronically by Tuesday, April 19, 2024, to the chair of the committee: Danielle Terrazas Williams,