Graduate Student Lounge Main Desk

Welcome to the Graduate Student Lounge!

Regular Hours

9:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

University of Chicago Bookstore Building
970 East 58th Street, Room 401
Chicago, Illinois 60637


The Graduate Student Lounge is home base for UChicago’s graduate student population. Located on the fourth floor of the UChicago Bookstore, the Lounge is a space where graduate students from across programs can drop in for individual study, small-group collaboration, and socializing.

In addition to two bookable meeting spaces, we feature a quiet space, kitchenette with daily refrigeration service, free daily locker rentals, coffee, tea, and light snacks.  We also house the offices of the Diversity Advisory Board and the Graduate Student Council.

The Graduate Student Lounge is supported by a team of Graduate Service Specialists, who serve as resources for campus information and services.

Please direct questions, comments, and suggestions to

We look forward to seeing you at the Lounge soon!


Ask the Gargoyle